By Jerome Ogola via fb
If you abhor corruption, don’t die anytime now, when elections are approaching because chances are that you will be buried in a casket donated by a corrupt politician.
It will be absurd that despite having the capability to steal, you refused to, and chose to live a honest even if difficult life, only to buried in a coffin procured with proceeds of corruption
In addition, wakili Steve Ogola, before he began a career marrying and planning weddings with ghosts like Sarkozy, taught us that the best way to fight corruption is in the ballot.
After blaming the DCI, the EACC, the DPP, the police, the president, the judiciary etc for laxity in combating corruption, you will finally have an opportunity to fight the crime through your vote at the ballot.
Sadly, predicting from the past behaviour of Kenyans, on that practical day, they will leave their brains at home, go make mistakes at the ballot and after electing the corrupt, they will go back home, collect their brains, then begin complaining about corruption.
Lastly, I also gave you an innovative way to fight corruption. Learn to walk with a machete, like the pangaman, this campaign period. When a politician bribes you, take that money, and then thank him instantly by chopping off the hand the giveth, with the tool I asked you to carry.
That way he will not have any hand to steal again, and henceforth, if you see a short sleeved man, you can tell from a distance that the guy is a thief of your taxes and thus will immensely reduce corruption
No one sells their mbuzi to go donate the money in handouts. The millions given out during campaigns are 99% stolen
A national assembly full of amputees will look very beautiful
Great evening my fellow Hoof-Eaters!!
Anonymous says
This dedicated To all voters out there if you this country to be free from curruption then vote HON. RAILA OUT and curse him away out of our lives ishindwe kabisa.AMEN!
Jamesdrusa says
Модные заметки по подбору необычных образов на любой день.
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