Statehouse communication department is of late dull, seemingly lost directions and is no longer as authoritative as it used to be. This could be as a result of the incompetency of the person heading that department. While it was a plus for the presidency to settle for a lady, Beatrice Kanze Dena, there aught to be more to this than just being a female. Spokespersons all over the world are those who must have studied communication and public relations at one time and not broadcast – radio or TV anchors. Spokesperson is more than appearance on TV.
As a spokesperson, how do you allow the shutdown of official pages of the President? How do you go to a radio station to talk about the silence of the President? By the way, were the “…remedial measures” you temporarily suspended the official social media handles for the President ‘undertaken’?
While it is healthy to have statehouse pages and social media handles, the most authoritative ones are the communications coming from the President’s official social media handles.
We need to see press briefings, statements and conferences organized at statehouse(s) or harambee house. However, in the understanding of Kanze, things just happen and she consider that normal. What has stopped her from consulting widely, responding to many concerns of journalists and communicating the presidency? How about speeches? Does she supervise those speeches before the President reads them or to her understanding they’re perfectly done?
If keen enough, you’ll realize that Nzioka Waita has successfully become the face of Statehouse because the person heading the communication department has failed. Kanze needs to stand up, delegate roles, consult widely, revive the President official social media pages, research well for speeches, respond to journalist’s concerns on time, issue statements, do press briefings and conferences, and communicate presidency.
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