By Jeff Kenyatta
Young women, KINDLY dig up your list of possible suitors and don’t ignore the young ambitious man struggling today for a sponsor. DO NOT ignore the man with VISION for a man with TELEVISION. You may end up watching the man with vision in your television.
Had Michelle Robinson ignored the broke intern she was assigned to mentor at some Chicago Law firm- Sidley and Austin, almost 2 decades ago, she’d not be the First Lady we know. And probably, Obama wouldn’t be president if she never stood by his side.
Life is hard, but God is good. HE gives rest to the restless seeker. In due time, he makes forces of nature to conspire to fulfill dreams. The amazing miracle about life is that it evolves, it changes. Your conditions today won’t be the same tomorrow.
Don’t worry about his poverty. Even DP Ruto once was selling chicken to survive. Now he pours millions in the markets he once hawked.
Success comes in bits. Gambling on love or quick riches can be a death sentence. It takes time for a suckling infant to crawl, then walk, then run. Patience from a mother and knowledge from a teacher opens our world view.
Young men out here are struggling. Not excluded. The economy is hurting. But stick to that love. Be patient and encourage him that he can take over the world. Men out here have conquest mindsets and whatever he’s good in, he can be the best thing since sliced bread.
And men, once we make it, once we become a success, let’s learn to lean on the wife who had our backs when the world cared no shit about us. The young girls are after your money and the empire you built so hard, for so many years. This is a great life lesson I’ve learnt. Stick to your woman!
Life is hard, but God is good. Life is terribly hard, but God is abundantly good. Life sucks, but God rocks! In due time, HE uplifts.
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