Dear supporters of Ochilo Ayako,
Kindly market the Rongo ODM giant based on his outstanding resume, winsome achievements in public life,his brand promise, indefatigable spirit, and his easy-going affability.
For your information: His peerless CV and series of successes are available in public. This man seeks to be a SENATOR not a leader of unruly gang! Art 96 of the Constitution vividly states the function of a senator.
He seeks to represent aspirations of the WHOLE Migori in guarding & protecting devolution in it’s own interest. He needs to speak for both the HAWKS & the DOVES; both Conservatives and the Liberals; both leftists and rightists; both rich and poor; both traducers and fanatics; and all Luos, Kurias, Maragolis, Somalis and Maasais converging in the cauldron called Migori.
Unwittingly marketing Ochilo Ayako as some Colonial Chief from 1930 France sent by ODM to punish Migori residents by force by fire is self-defeatist.You people are busy planting fear among locals and casting doubt on his ability to lead, and making it appear that he is a contraband being smuggled by the party at chagrin of locals. Which is not true.
We need a new public political communications trajectory that departs from the vulgar abuse and verbal aggression; where cheap lies and crude propaganda are normalized as politics, and celebrated as measures of competence.
This is the same gentleman who withstood powerful party tsunami in 2017 as an independent to harvest 99,114 votes; a no mean feat considering our pious party affiliation.
Literally Ochilo Ayako towers above all these candidates in every facet o leadership. He is the unsung giant in his own right. Kindly capitalize on his individual strengths and comparative edges in your marketing ingredients.
Hon. Onyango Ochieng Jr.
Fisherman Emeritus.
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