This is Tabitha Mutemi who is a full time employee of
Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission(IEBC). She took up another job at Media Council of Kenya. Essentially One person taking TWO SALARIES from the same government. She refused to QUIT one of the JOBS even after head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua directed so! (see letter from Kinyua below).
The letter from Joseph Kinyua was SO CLEAR and directed that PUBLIC SERVANTS can’t hold two offices in Government and earn double salary but Tabitha Mutemi refuses to go. Who is protecting this woman? She even BLATANTLY goes against the Head of Public Service. Unheard of! Must she hold the positions while Kenyans are losing jobs daily?
That is not enough, exactly two weeks ago PARLIAMENT OF KENYA recommended her to be sacked from IEBC as the Communications Manager or from media council of Kenya. She refused to go. She is staying put. Holding two positions as Kenyans suffer in this harsh economic period due to covid19. How selfish!
According to IEBC Act, members and employees of the commission are prohibited from holding other public offices during their tenure of office with the commission. But Tabitha Mutemi has taken up a job at Media Council of KENYA and IEBC cant fire her.
The Kenya Solicitor General Kennedy Ogeto has also said that Mutemi’s continued stay in office was in contravention of the CONSTITUTION, and IEBC Acts.
She has still refused to let one job go!
Ministry of ICT and the minister Mucheru have said it’s ILLEGAL:
“The holding of both offices of an employee of the IEBC and a member of the Media Council of Kenya by Mutemi is a violation of the Constitution and other statutes requiring immediate remedial action”
Solicitor General says she must leave, Ministry of ICT says she MUST leave. Parliament says SHE MUST leave. Head Public service says she MUST leave. BUT she has refused to QUIT!
Why hold two JOBS? How selfish can one be? Who is PROTECTING this WOMAN?
Anonymous says
Vitu vya wenye inchi.