By C G via FB
If you find yourself ditching a popular political party in your constituency/community/region to follow a tribal King (Ruto) from another community who has publicly acknowledged to kujipanga nyuma ya jamaa fulani (waiting patiently for his turn 2022). while you pretend to form your own party -then you might check if your brains need an App to guide you.
If you are an MP with three full time house maids and a wife and yet you change diapers for your new -born baby then you need to confirm if you are not sleep walking or day dreaming.
If you find yourself taking pictures of an accident scene and sharing the pictures on social media, ignore the scent of your perfume, civilization is yet to catch with you.
If you find yourself beeping people on “private number”, be it your husband’s mistress, yet you are an adult …honestly, what do you want? How can you be helped? The call went through or the line you’re tried to beep is off, so what?
If you find your self in a clean public toilet in a mall or office, and you somehow leave it dirtier than you found it, don’t be convinced by the size of your heels or the make of your watch that you’ve evolved…you’re lucky to be walking on your twos.
If you find yourself irritating your fellow motorists on the road by not obeying traffic rules only to give them a middle finger salute when you’re confronted…is your head also running by fuel like your machine or do you have some brains?
If you find yourself hating on me, not because what I write doesn’t make any logical sense to you but simply coz I happen to be an Amerucan born around Mt Kenya area…check your good ‘behind’ for a tail, it must be somewhere!
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