Sheikh Juma Ngao, a Jubilee Coast point-man and NACADA Director has today urged the people of Malindi to vote for ODM’s Willy Mtengo in the Malindi By Election.
Sheikh Ngao in a hard hitting speech he lifted the veil exposing Uhuru’s weakness saying the president seemed confused whenever he visited the coast;
…..he always hangs out with CORD leaders and has consistently given big jobs to CORD affiliated persons Sheikh Ngao told a fully packed gathering of CORD supporters
Maintaining he is still in Jubilee, Ngao said that President Uhuru prefers CORD and its leaders when he is at the Coast and for the new Malindi MP to gain Uhuru’s favour, he must belong to the CORD coalition.
“..the entire Coast region Uhuru saw non in Jubilee is fit enough to be Cabinet minister and that is why he appointed CORD’s Hon Kazungu as minister, we were stuck with him in 2013 BUT after getting into Statehouse he dumped us, whenever he is in Mombasa/Coast he turns himself to a CORD leader” said Juma Ngao
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