That Treasury CS Ukur Yattani should be reshuffled back to Labour, Water docket or sent to head a mission in a far nondescript country like Jamaica is no secret. We all know the former North Horr MP and first governor of Marsabit county is a practicing nepotist, clanist and tribalist par-excellence given the appointments he made during his tenure as governor and later to various boards in dockets he has held as cabinet secretary.
Since taking over as substantive Treasury boss, the man from Nort Horr has not made any dramatic changes or policy pronouncements to jump-start the economy, nothing out of the ordinary, it’S safe to assume Treasury runs on auto-pilot mode. Zero initiative, has not tried or even threatening to re-negotiate the over-due public debt repayments, to China instead CS Yattan proceeded to issue another bond to raise more public debt (total madness). Yattan lacks in everything a cabinet minister of that portfolio should be armed with.
On the other hand President Uhuru, a good man, loyal to his close friends both old and new got serious weakness, he literally cannot bite some ash off, he pampers bad boys and girls as long as they are from his close network, he only seems to act on policy positions that seem to injure his family business empire like importation of Milk and Milk products, banking act, repossession of public land to facilitate construction of amenities that will compliement their pet project- the 500billion Northlands City and of course the fight against corruption (good move!)
Meanwhile Musalia Mudavadi, the cool, experienced hand in matters economics is wasting away chilling with his friends over 50 year bottle of Whisky as he marks time for a possible endorsement to run the country in 2022. Why lie, MDVD is loved across board, Raila treats him like a little brother, Uhuru treats him like brother from another mother, Kalonzo treats him like a true gentleman, to Gideon Moi, the ANC leader is a twin brother while DP Ruto yearns for a possible joint ticket or at worst the best competition that he can respectively concede defeat to.
Musalia is royalty or dynasty as per Ruto’s definition yet he is the most down to earth, he understands how government works far better than any other leader perhaps only Joseph Kinyua can rival his record. The former Sabatia MP character also mirrors that of retired president Mzee Kibaki as both are economists and both worked as technocrats in government, they understand and appreciate the process; Musalia will never allow run away corruption but will instead allow a few good men to eat kitu kidogo something that will never derail development just like during Kibaki era.
It is an open secret that the only unifying figure between Uhuru and Raila is one Musalia Mudavadi, both of them trust the dude from Mululu.
Now, some have argued that Musalia should not jump into Jubilee for it will soil his name and chance for 2022 presidential win, I say NO ! Kenyans will appreciate anybody who can help Uhuru deliver something to the public after over 7 years of massive corruption and politicking. Even Matiangi is in Jubilee but his name as a performer is still intact. What am saying is that Musalia can serve in the cabinet and 2022 break way to run his presidential bid without having to look back at Jubilee dark regime for he will have tried to help, Kenyans will be grateful.
Uhuru should invite his brother Musalia and discuss terms of his return to government over a bottle of 70 year old bottle of whisky, a mug tea, Ugali, mulenda and Nyama Choma (Uhuru can forget his Mukimo and Githeri for a day yawa)
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