By Jackson Omondi
Jubilee is officially enjoying what is now turning out to be political carnage on our side of the aisle. We have been a good sport and they are now enjoying the political messaging disaster from the comfort of premier front row seats courtesy of CORD’s online army!
You don’t have to be a nuclear physicist to figure out that in election seasons, a day spent fighting internal battles is music to your opponent’s ears, but spending two to three days doing the exact same thing is called a messaging crisis.
We are in a crisis and it’s time for some higher up in the party to come out and show leadership. What is happening requires political intervention. We can’t spend time giving Jubilee more fodder and unnecessary political soap opera. There are serious issues to talk about.
Lest we forget, Jubilee is busy racking up political PR projects in readiness for the big dance while we are busy knuckling up against one another! And just for perspective; we all know that Jubilee is nursing political wounds from the Sonko-Wamalwa melee and there are many more schisms in Jubilee, but you will be hard pressed to find supporters of both camps dedicating acres of digital ink just to tear each other down.
Moreover, the enemy has now pitched camp on our blogs, relishing the political beat down being administered on our side. While all these are happening, Jubilee’s ruling duo are waltzing to the beats of opposition’s political disorder.
When are we going to start talking about Jubilee? We are in the opposition but given the daily chasms mushrooming from our side, one would think that we are in the government! Friendly fire is officially our standard operating procedure! For instance, Governor Kidero’s sharpest critics are in the opposition!
Lastly, we are heading into one of the toughest elections in modern times, our opponent has deeper pockets and is willing to spend on any living thing so long as it has an identification card. His base is as loyal and disciplined as it gets. In fact, the political choreography and message discipline on his side is only rivalled by the Vatican!
And how are we planning to compete against such a juggernaut? More division, more smart talk and a desultory political ship. No wonder those fans in the stands are going wild!
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