Jubilee vice chairperson David Murathe has insinuated that President Uhuru Kenyatta should be a dictator “to save Kenya”.”What this country needs now is a benevolent dictator. People have been too soft so that things have gone rogue,” he said during a Friday interview on KTN.
Murathe said countries like Rwanda, headed by President Paul Kagame and Uganda (Yoweri Museveni) are too stable because of the leadership style employed by the presidents.
On Tuesday, Ugandan MPs came to blows in rage over the proposed changes to the Constitution to remove the presidential age limit currently set at 75.
This would make Museveni, 73, ineligible to stand in the 2021 election.
The move has been met with widespread opposition from civic rights activists, the political opposition, religious leaders and even some members of Museveni’s own ruling party.
Murathe said Kenya should borrow a leaf from such states adding that the situation where people demands without considering issues at hand is untenable.
In a quick rejoinder, NASA chief executive officer Norman Magaya told off the Jubilee vice chairman saying they will not accept dictatorship.
“We will defeat you David and you will not introduce dictatorship in Kenya. You better tell this to your man (Uhuru),” he said.
Magaya said the NASA leadership will not be intimidated by Jubilee threats.
“…we will not take threats and you will not intimidate us…we will have an election that conforms to the Constitution, not an election that pleases Uhuru and DP William Ruto,” he said.
IEBC talks with stakeholders collapsed on Thursday after NASA representatives walked out of the meeting.
Siaya Senator James Orengo said the Jubilee party has come up with a proposed Bill they cannot accept.
The Bill states that the results of the next presidential election will be determined by what is transmitted manually.
It seeks to amend the IEBC Act, the Election Act and the Elections Offences Act by giving manually transmitted results more clout than the electronically transmitted ones.
“The rules of the game should be agreed by all players. They should be fair and justifiable. Jubilee Party is arrogant,” Orengo said.
Civil society groups in support of the reforms on Friday said Jubilee must not be allowed to use parliamentary privileges to change the rules of the game halfway.
Kura Yangu Sauti Yangu’s Njonjo Mue said they will not accept amendments to the electoral law adding that the election must be held as directed by the Supreme Court.
“The October 26 election is a continuation of August 8. We cannot change the laws midway,” he told journalists in Nairobi.
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