Radio personality and Comedian Felix Odiwuor popularly known as Jalang’oo was treated to a much-hyped celebrity status while;e attending Abambura cup football tournament in Kisumu on Sunday.
Jalang’oo who was in the company of gospel artist Bahati Kenya was shocked with a young talented man who sang his voice out prompting Jalangoo to give out his shoes worth over 100,000 shillings with Bahati promising to sponsor the young man’s recording at EMB studios.
The football match was organised by Phabian Otumba to help nature local talents.
In a past interview with Azziad Nasenya, the comedian describe the worth of his shoes some able to buy a brand new vitz car.
Below is the video of Jalang’oo giving out his shoes to the talented artist.
Anonymous says
I’ve never seen any humour in this big mouthed fellow! I miss Nyambane.