How To Know That Your Village Is For The Holloipolloi.
By Agnes Sikuku
1.Most villagers take tea accompanied by the previous days ugali in the morning.
2.More than half of the women and children population have cracked heels(ogwaro).
3.Subsistence farming is common.However,the harvest can’t sustain families till the next harvesting season.
4.Due to point no 3 most families take casual jobs(vibarua) to put food on the table.
6.Most families grind less than 1kg maize daily.
7.Countless illicit brew dens in the village.
8.Most women drink local brew,stagger home where they fight with their husbands and bring the village to a standstill.
9.Cases of witchcraft are common.Some people are known or suspected to be wachawi.
10.Many people are not originally from the village.They bought tusmall pieces of land like 1/8 of an acre(kapoint) or half an acre.
11.Theft is common.Children,women and men are thieves and can steal anything from anyone and at any time.
12.The presence of one or two grass thatched houses in the village.
13.Many small kiosks that sell at re-retail.For example mafuta ya mboga ya tano,mafuta taa ya tano,sukari robo and offers credit which is never paid.
14.Most households do not have electricity connection or solar panels.They use chimney lambs or koroboi.
15.Households do not have livestock or poultry.They therefore buy a cup or two from a few neighbours who milk.
16.Cases of eloping at a young age before completion of studies are high.Due to this, most girls get divorced before dowry is paid and return home.They end up seeking semi skilled jobs or remain in the village to be notorious husband snatchers.
17.When most of the villagers are staunch members of splinter churches like dini ya musambwa,legio Maria,holy tarbernacle and other strange named churches with weird practices.
18.Some households rear 2 doves,4 ducks and 4 or less rabbits.The rearing of this animals only heightens their poverty status and does nothing to free them from poverty.
19.Hygiene and these villagers are strange bedfellows.No one can explain why they can’t do dishes on time,keep their compound clean and wash their children.
20.Most women and children have never travelled past the local centre.
21.Most adults have never applied for a national identity card.Some-who had-lost them and have never replaced them.Many can’t read and write,should they get a text message,they relie on their children at the local primary or secondary schools to read for them.
22.When getting a 1000 shillings note will bring all business activities to a standstill.Needless to say it will take forever.
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