I don’t know what Raila Odinga worships. I would however be excited if it turned out that he worships the spirits of our ancestors on Got Ramogi and communes with the great Obong’o Nyakalaga deep inside Lake Lolwe. He will kill me with joy if he throws in Baba Simeo Melkio Mesia Ondeto.
In “Not Yet Uhuru”, in that epic fight with the church over the baptism of his children Oburu Molo Odinga and Raila Amolo Odinga, Jaramogi is shown as a man who wanted not just freedom from colonialism, but religious freedom too, so that the white man wouldn’t come here and declare our culture, ways of worship and naming systems retrogressive. This is a lesson alien to William Ruto. He doesn’t even realise that he may be just a second generation “Christian”, the rest of his lineage having worshipped spirits and the traditional Orkoiyot for millenia.
I don’t know what William Ruto worships. Some people say he worships greed, land, women and money. I don’t know how true that is. But I know one thing for certain; there is no religion in the universe where Ruto’s character can be listed as “good”. In fact, in most religions, William Ruto is the exact definition of “devil” and/or “hell”, including in Haitian Voodoo and Congolese deep forest witchcraft.
We have never seen Raila’s God. Neither have we seen Ruto’s. Heck, we haven’t seen our own God. And this part is important. Since we can’t see God, his image is reflected in the people who purport to serve him on earth. If Raila Odinga worships “demons and magic”, and yet has spent a lifetime fighting for the downtrodden, for freedom and justice, for democracy and good governance, this surely is very good marketing for “demons and magic!” I don’t know what religion it is in the world where those who supposedly worship evil are the ones who want the best for everyone. I am sure maize farmers, Adrian Muteshi, local dam users and millions of disenfranchised folks in this country have something to say about Ruto’s two-faced bible-carrying posturing.
The world must never forget what Cyrus Jirongo said at Jacob Juma’s funeral. After openly accusing Ruto of being behind the death, Jirongo narrated an incident during their YK92 days in which a group of youths started stoning their convoy. They identified the ring leader and started chasing them. Because he was younger (and Nandi too), Ruto ran ahead of the group, caught the young man and, according to Jirongo, casually strangled him to death! There is something else Jirongo said (and you are all welcome to get the clips from You Tube). He said that once “these people” had shed human blood, the spirits of death and human sacrifice always demanded more, meaning these characters had to keep doing it. You know, Ruto never denied any of the Jirongo accusations. Meanwhile, Raila Odinga has never killed anyone.
You tell me who really should be lecturing people about worshipping demons and magic!
I can tell you for free why Ruto spins this narrative of Raila practicing this or that. The first reason is actually very juvenile and he should have outgrown it; those old bedtime stories about Jaramogi’s ability to turn into a crocodile and go bask in glory at Nyamonye Beach, or turning into a mosquito and going to Gatundu to bite Jomo Kenyatta’s backside all night! The second reason is more modern. In Ruto’s world, a man who goes to jail for 8 years then forgives and works with his jailers is a magician. In this twisted world view, a man who gets the passionate support of nearly the whole country, without buying people, must be using withcraft. In the gospel according to Ruto, it takes witchcraft for a 74 year old man to still be relevant in the country’s politics, and still be covering thousands of kilometers per day spreading the gospel of national unity and democracy. How Raila and Uhuru can work together instead of killing each other; witchcraft. How Raila can casually land in Eldoret and the town comes to a standstill; magic. How Raila can expose illicit deals classified as “for the eyes of the deep state only” in just a few hours; demons! Doing well without having to steal public funds; witchcraft. Of course even if Raila really practiced witchcraft, he wouldn’t walk around with python liver and toes of Okavanga bats for Ruto to see. The only reason Ruto assumes Raila is a magician is because Raila does things that Ruto can’t, things that are superhuman in Ruto’s word. Things like honesty, integrity and principled leadership. For sure Ruto needs the entire world’s witchcraft to come close to what Raila naturally is.
There is something else. In seeming to pick a verbal war with Raila, Ruto is actually talking to Uhuru! It is Uhuru who wash washed Ruto ally Rashid Echesa out of cabinet. It is the government’s investigative agencies who exposed the shocking details of the dams. It is Uhuru who froze the 2022 campaigns. It is Uhuri coming after Ruto. Hiding behind Raila happened once with the Mau politics. You will not hide behind Raila anymore. Face Uhuru like a man! When it is your time to go to jail (or a worse place), it is Uhuru who will order it. Whatever or whoever Raila worships did not play a part in the wanton theft of public funds you committed. We know the panic in your camp is brought to you by Raila’s towering image in government circles these days, but your imminent fall was designed by Uhuru on the same night you signed up as running mate in 2013. Now ask whatever you worship to save you, and leave Raila alone.
Raila Odinga is not your agemate. Stupid.
Via Collins Aj
Anonymous says
is true that raila worship baba simeo