By Alberto N. Amenya (Banana Peddler)
It is with a twinge of nostalgia that I am forced to confess that ‘Some’ Facebook Luo fellows are thanklessly idiotic. What is all these infighting for?
We non-Luos are working painstakingly hard to ensure we best Raila’s chances of becoming President on PRO BONO basis, but you are ambidextrously pulling us back by exhibiting pettiness and lack of sufficient moral weight.
To buttress your foolishness, you start parading your vast and versatile learnedness and unlearnedness simultaneously. You have become nonsense-garbling conspiracy theorists between yourselves.
Your ego is pathetically discombobulating and will NEVER get NASA out of the woods. You see, your character is tellingly obnoxious. It only confirms the kind of idiots President Raila Odinga will surround himself with when he helms the ship.
Some of you are boasting with degrees yet the ungrammaticalness as encompassed in your posts is pregnantly showy.
Why is your relevance so faddish? Why have you resorted to attack Mombasa Gov. Ali Hassan Joho, the man that has taken live bullets for the same Raila you so claim to love?
Out of all the Luo politicians apart from Orengo, show me one Luo MP who put his life on the line in defence of the person of Raila Odinga. Joho is a man of impeccable character whose doggedness must not go unrecognized and unrewarded.
Gov. Joho’s pedigree of integrity, courage and vision has oiled Raila’s wheels of the quest for Presidency and taken it to greater heights. He must be RESPECTED by all and sundry in ODM especially.
If you carry on with this wantonness, the electorate especially the undecided will unequivocally reject us at the polls as a sure payback for your crass ineptitude.
Since there is no shortcut to maturity, it is time you carried yourselves decorously. Some of you are the face of the party and should market it positively.
The way you carry yourselves as crackpots leaves no one in doubt that Raila is unserious and unready to tackle the myriad of problems besetting our nation which the Jubilee government glossed over for 5 years.
Any time you waste on Facebook quarrels amounts to a minus which our struggle can ill afford. NASA should be known for masterstroke strategies and not the sloppiness you are carelessly exhibiting here.
We must not only continue in our sterling tradition of excellence, but improve on it. Whether we like it or not, the electorate is waiting to see the change in stock for them in the new administration. We cannot afford to disappoint them.
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