By Jerome O
A member of the national assembly, an arm of the government, is someone who is paid to legislate and oversight, someone who can influence policy
This is someone who should be giving answers and not asking questions
This is someone who should be raising his concerns with the right people, where they will be addressed in a structured manner, because has been afforded a platform to articulate these issues
That this person erupts like angry volcano in social media disparaging the government over it’s handling of the COVID-19 epidemic, is both puzzling and startling
I thought Mukuru Kwa Zuckerberg is for frustrated and voiceless hoof eaters, without an alternative means to enumerate their distresses
This is the folly of electing a clown whose only experience is comedy, into the national assembly
The goon participates in creating the mess then begins howling like an owl on heat purportedly to defend the masses
The last time I heard about KJ was when he was wrestled to the ground by Farouk Kibet, when he attempted to exaggerate his tangatanga per diem, and the later decided that blows and kicks is the only language the Dagoreti MP understands better
We are knocking at the 600k mark. Currently, the world has reported 596,831 COVID-19 cases and the numbers increase each minute
Of course we also have untested new infections mostly because the sick and for some cases those whonhad travelled are the ones being tested for the virus
We also have countries like Burundi, which so far has zero reported cases, and upon inquiry on their success, the government minister responsible for the docket said, so far the country had not test kits
We have so far had 27,372 fatalities and 133, 363 recoveries. This is a 4% fatality rate
Out of the currently infected patients figure of 436,024 people, 23,533 (5%) are serious and in critical condition, while 412, 501 representing (95%) are in mild condition
Kenya has had 31 confirmed cases, one fatality, and one recovery. Two of Kenya’s patients are on life support machine at the Aga Khan Hospital, in Nairobi
The global leadership position in the virus infection is held on rotational basis. At first it was China, then it became Italy and now it is the USA, which currently has 104,142 cases, representing around 20% of the total infections
Italy is the second but strangely, this European country has more fatalities than the USA or any other country having lost more than 9000 souls. The USA has so far lost 1695
Yesterday alone, Italy recorded, 969 fatalities. The highest so far, from country in one day. The infections in China seemed to have gone beyond zero
The number of infected stand at 80k and the number of deaths at 3200. These are official figures which have been disputed as cooked
They may’ve done to their figures what Kenya does to it’s election results. The figures are allegedly massaged
So far it is much easier to count counties which haven’t reported any infections than it is, to count those already infected
We are optimistic we may not come to a point where it will be easier to count the number of people uninfected instead of the infected or the number of those still alive, instead of the dead
In Kenya, it is sad, that some rich men went shopping for the disease in Europe, found it and brought it home. The authorities were tested them, found them to be sick but never forcibly quarantined them
They were allowed to roam around and infect as many people as they wished and nothing punitive happened to them
Instead they look for a group of poor men/women, who have never seen any passport, send policemen who operate like they took bangi for breakfast, to round them up and clobber them senseless in the name of battling coronavirus
Whichever way, those who will survive this epidemic, will have a story to tell. Meanwhile pastors are waiting for the epidemic to end, so that they can continue praying for the sick
Bure kabisa
Great morning my fellow hoof eaters!!
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