By Wandia Njoya
I can’t even criticize Dr. Mike Sonko. That’s where I am. Because I’ve seen so much bullshit from people in suits and titles, that when Sonko behaves the fool once again, it’s so familiar.
From an education standpoint, CBC is the biggest con pulled on Kenyans, and I watched the miduklas drink the kool aid about sijui fourth industrial whatever and jobs of the 23rd century. Now we’ve been mesmerized by funny things on tech and have been cheated that we’re homeschooling, and it’s not making anyone say “wait a minute.” Others come to tell us that they’re doing the legit homeschooling like American missionaries who don’t think much of people like us. It’s our children we’re talking about here. If concern for our children can’t make us behave, surely what can?
We’ve seen Bishop Owuor, a PhD genetics scientist, hold people spiritually and mentally hostage.
Yesterday a Kenyan diplomat tried to make Kenyans see the Chinese government’s perspective of racist actions against Africans.
I’ve seen so much bullshit from bureaucrats being spun by PR and enforced by manageralists, that now Dr. Mike Sonko looks like icing on the cake. Sonko’s bs is made possible by people like me who bullshit the Kenyan people with kizungu mingi and titles. Then when you try to call the bs, miduklas tell you to stop judging or ask why are you attacking so-and-so.
Philanthropy is bullshit, whether it comes from Mike Sonko or American billionaires. We’ve tried to explain it in complex terms, and miduklas have excuses to shut us down. In that sense, Mike Sonko is doing us a favor, because he shows how ridiculous the whole philanthropy game is. Vaccines? Alcohol? Anything can prevent covid-19 as long as the person saying it is rich and distributes goodies while at it.