By Jerome O via Facebook
On revenue allocation, we the hoof eaters choose to sit on the fence and smoke our bangi
We are not taking any side, because no matter where what millions go, it will still be stolen
Cartels are the real beneficiaries of devolution
Guys who walked in shoes like those of Mwalimu Jini, not long ago, are today driving fuel guzzlers as we hoof eaters guzzle busaa in the villages to drown our frustrations and disillusionment
Each time you see a multi million gorofa under construction in the villages, and you bother to check, you notice the owner works with the county, either as an employee or supplying air for millions
We have no stakes, at all. The only role, the hoi polloi perform in the entire process of governance is to vote, then go back home to concentrate on poverty
Otherwise, it is time to sleep. Soon we will all be in dreamland and this will be a great moment, because there is no corona there and so we aren’t wearing any barakoa there
Sadly, the pangaman is there waiting for you. Today don’t run. Confront him. Ask him why he must chase you. But don’t move near him. If he keeps advancing, take off
Live to flight another day, than be given a free throat surgery, without any anaesthesia
Albert Musasia adds:
This debate CRA debate is a complete waste of time.The 1man 1 vote and 1 shilling as much as i think it’s reasonable, won’t solve issues affecting counties as long as we spent 100k buying wheelbarrows or i don’t know how much to buy Mitungi as in Bungoma.
It doesn’t matter how much Kiambu gets as long as they spent 800M on South Sudan peace talks or Retired presidents.
It doesn’t matter how much siaya gets as long as the governor spends millions on private ICU beds with nothing inthe county hospital.
The best formula should be rewarding counties that have utilized county funds well.That should be part of the matrix .Any county government under investigations should have their funds reduced and given to those that are managing their resources well.
The issue in Kenya is the mismanagement of resources.
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