Satan and William Ruto
By Kevin Omwanza
(Satan takes William Ruto to the rooftop of KICC Tower and shows him the whole of Nairobi Province and neighboring places)
SATAN: Mheshimiwa, I will give you all of these if you bow down and worship me! In any case, you are obsessed with lands and material wealth.
RUTO: It is written, ‘worship the Lord your God and serve him only,’
SATAN: But you have been serving and worshiping Mammon! You are a rabid capitalist consumed by an all-consuming passion to amass wealth by hook or crook! Stop with the pretense and take all these lands that I now give you! Take all these wealth, all these vehicles, all these that you now see bedazzle your eyes with their ethereal glamour!
RUTO: (After mulling for a moment) Get behind me Satan! My case is with my God! He who pardoned all men for their immense sins shall on the day of tribulation stand in my stead and put all my accusers to shame! Even David who prostituted with Uriah’s wife and planned his death at the battlefront and was rebuked by the Prophet Nathan was in the final account esteemed as a Man after God’s own heart!
SATAN: (Laughs out loud, and so derisive is his laughter that Ruto’s brow furls into a furrow) For death by bursting awaits a toad that imagines it can swell into an elephant! You poor man cannot imagine yourself as a David, or can you?!
RUTO: Of toads and elephants and swelling I know nothing, but My Lord who hath encompassed my soul with love shall not suffer you to grieve my spirit any more! For verily on the day of Moses’ death you contended with Michael for Moses’ body. And though Michael was as righteous and guileless as the sun, he constrained himself not to rebuke you. At the time you believed as you now do that I deserved hell more than I did heaven. And today I caution you Satan, that my Lord who I see descend in a Chariot of Flaming Fires shall shortly reproof and repulse you!
SATAN: You speak so confidently of your righteousness, but just as ardently, you lie to the poor, and by your wicked craft, deprive them of their possessions (points to Weston Hotel)
RUTO: My righteousness is as filthy rags before the Lord God. I shall boast of nothing, for by mine own self, I am nothing. But this is my confidence – that by Christ’s stripes, I am healed, and that by accepting him in my life, I am accounted as righteous!
SATAN: Tell that to the birds! You and I know that your heart is as filthy and soot-black as a witch’s pot!
RUTO: That is what they all say! As I said, my case is before the Almighty who shall on that woeful day adjudge as between your truth and mine!
SATAN: Everyone says you are corrupt, murderous, and that in your dark heart, you harbor deadly ambitions.
RUTO: Man sees only the obvious, but the examiner of hearts is God! For when the Prophet of the Mighty God came to David’s father saying the Lord had chosen a King of Israel from among his sons, David’s father could not understand why from among strong and more virtuous men God could settle on a lowly and humble David – but the Prophet reckoned, ‘God does not see as a man sees!’
(Just then there is a dazzling and blinding light from the skies and Satan jumps from KICC, disappears into the city, and breaks into several smithereens of people like myself who like judging others)🤣
DISCLAIMER: This is not to say William Ruto is as righteous as cast in this story. The point is that us as human beings are oft not very introspective. We see little, and judge too much. My repute is just as an iceberg. There is more to myself, or yourself, that is not very evident to the ever-prying eyes of the public. And the rest of the iceberg may not necessarily correspond to the obvious iceberg.
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