By Onyango Ochieng Jr
I wish to remind the pantomime rabbit who parades around as Garissa Deputy governor the following ;
1. The core duty of a Deputy Governor, is to deputize the governor as an EXECUTIVE P.A or be wicked enough to hope that conditions in Article 181 of the constitution arises i.e the governor dies, goes mad or bankrupt or abdicates. Therefore, anything beyond this is nothing but masturbatory deceit.A P.A is nothing but an errand boy, that’s the unfortunate truth.That’s the official position of the law. Anything ulta vires(acting beyond the legal realm) is purely a criminal enterprise.
2. If the Deputy Governor want more powers, then he should rally for amendment of the constitution through the senate or a referendum as per Article 257 of the Constitution. Governors have no powers-real or perceived- to amend or expropriate the law.I mean, the deputy governor must stop acting like an hallucinating crook under the influence of NYAOPE! Not unless he is only confirming our fears that nothing exists between his ears or he is just one of those academic pirates.
This takes me to the crux of my argument. The deputy governor of Garissa must stop daydreaming. He is not the Governor; he is the DEPUTY GOVERNOR. Therefore his complains about being POWERLESS, has nothing to do with the Governor but the constitution. He is raising a good point but in the wrong forum.He is functionally-illiterate PERIOD. I told you education is way too overrated.
Instead of surrounding himself with muttonheads, intellectually-incompetent gangsters, false philosophers , bats among other crooks; Abdi Dagane should find better things to do.
I will continue tomorrow from here.
But obviously the Deputy Governor is an egregious political mercenary, a boogeyman, an imbecile used by the criminal class led by political gangster Aden Duale to fight the governor.
Thanks to the Samawathal Community for nominating Mr. Abdi Dagane Muhumed for the position of the Deputy Governor, Garissa county.
— Hon. Aden Duale (@HonAdenDuale) January 14, 2017
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